Wednesday, July 23, 2014

" Keep it stupid simple"

Have you ever found yourself just going in circles? I have been there far more often than I would like to admit.  A few months ago I consciously made a decision to make effort to move forward in many areas of my life instead of just going in circles. As a society we are always looking for instant gratification, but in reality there is nothing you can really do today that will allow you to see massive results right away. It is small, consistent actions over time that make a big difference.

I decided to start with my faith first because I am a strong believer in Philippians 4:13. Going from there I developed a one liner that I could revert to when I found my self going in circles, or taking the actions necessary to complete activities I was struggling with. " Keep it stupid simple". Having a quick phrase that you can say to yourself as a reminder allows you to reset your brain and get back on track with keeping the end in mind at all times.

For my faith journey, my " Stupid Simple"  daily action is to spend 5 minutes first thing in the morning reading a study bible app on my I phone. I decided to do this for 30 days. Were there mornings that I forgot, absolutely, but when I thought about it I would stop what I was doing and take 5 minutes to read it or decide to just pick it up the next morning. 5 Minutes may not seem like a lot but  5 minutes a day for 365 days a year is almost 30 hours of devotional time.  " Stupid Simple"

This technique can be applied in all areas of your life, Faith, Family, Self Improvement, Business, you name it you can benefit from this. Think about it! How would your spouse feel if you decided to take one " Stupid Simple" action each day such at giving them a kiss as soon as they get home and asking them how their day was? What would happen if you kissed your kids good night every night and told them that you loved them? What would happen if you did just 15 minutes of cardio every morning? What would happen if your read just 10 pages of a self improvement book every day? Can you see it?

Over time you can really can stop going in circles and make a big difference just by " Keeping it Stupid Simple"